Sunday, August 21, 2005

God and Man at Six Feet Under

Now I have something. Despite Six Feet Under's aggressively secular viewpoint (sample dialogue: "There’s no God, no rules, no judgements except the ones you accept or create for yourself and once it’s over, it’s over"), the series finale of this bluest of blue state shows embraced family values in a way rarely seen this side of PAX, or an op-ed supporting gay marriage. A show with plotlines that included sex with prostitutes, adultery, and incest, among other activities sure to outrage the collective campus of Bob Jones, ended with babies, marriage, and a celebration of family. Even though it's characters didn't believe in God nearly as much as they believed in having lots of sex, somehow they came to the same conclusions about what makes life worthwhile as most of those Bob Jones alums probably will. When this constitutes radicalism, maybe the divide between...wait...this isn't radicalism at all.


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